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Security Services

Security Services

In today's digital world, protecting your data and systems from cyber threats is more critical than ever. 

Why Choose 1Path?

1Path’s SOC Type 2 certified team is dedicated to creating a secure and resilient cyber ecosystem. Our security solutions specialists will provide 24/7 monitoring of your IT environment, keeping your operations protected and efficient. 1Path provides the layers of protection your business needs to enhance your cybersecurity posture.


Infrastructure & Network Layer


Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

A skilled team identifies existing vulnerabilities, ensuring quick remediation of abnormal threats to your endpoint devices, which is crucial for operational continuity. 


Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Specialized experts proactively monitor, identify, and respond to potential security incidents before they escalate, fortifying your systems.


Vulnerability Scanning

Proactive identification of security risks with our vulnerability scanning services helps safeguard your sensitive systems from potential threats and breaches.


End-User Layer


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

We collaborate with you to implement and oversee multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all systems and applications accessed by your end users for business purposes. 


Single Sign-On (SSO) Password Management

1Path enhances end-user’s password hygiene and streamlines self-service password changes, minimizing unnecessary delays, by implementing a single sign-on (SSO) password management solution. Additionally, it allows you to enforce more stringent password policies, such as requirements for minimum length, and complexity, and restrictions on password reuse to improve overall security. 


Security Awareness Training

Our security training solutions provide end-users with access to the latest training tailored to meet common compliance and insurance standards, safeguarding your assets and those of your organization from potential loss or damage. In your battle against phishing and cyber-attacks, continual education and ongoing training enable you to be on the front line of defense. 


Systems and Application Layer


Email Security

Layered email security systems block malicious emails from reaching the end-user inboxes. By filtering out unwanted and suspicious messages, these tools ensure end-users a cleaner and more secure daily email experience. 


DNS Protection

DNS protection allows a highly secure, private, resilient, and manageable internet connection for your users. It automatically blocks access to undesirable, dangerous, or malicious internet domains, including encrypted DNS over HTTPS (DoH) requests, improving overall online security. 



In today’s world, antivirus is a must due to its potential to detect, prevent, and remediate ever-evolving threats. This is one of many tools we use to keep you ahead of malicious actors, providing real-time threat intelligence and swift responses to emerging dangers. 



Safeguard your online activities and ensure secure remote access with our comprehensive VPN service, protecting sensitive data and privacy across all devices. 

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Our 90-Day Proof-Positive Guarantee

Give us the first 90 days. If we don't hit our performance metrics and you’re not completely satisfied with our services, we will release you from the remainder of your contract. That’s how confident 1Path is in our people, process, and dedication to your success.  

Get Started Today
