5 Information Technology Training Topics for Employees  

Oftentimes, we’re quick to blame bad WIFI or faulty wiring for IT issues. But the fault isn’t always with our IT—sometimes, it’s with the employees using it. Think of it this way: if you don’t know how to ride a bicycle, you can’t blame that bike when you inevitably fall off it. And if you never learn how to operate your IT, it’s probably not going to work right, either.

Without proper training, IT errors are likely to multiply, and they can quickly become a strain on the workplace. But what do we mean by “proper training”? And how can you ensure your employees have it? In order to make this process easier, we’ve compiled some IT topics that will help your employees better understand and utilize IT.  

Here are 5 (essential) information technology training topics for employees:

Basic IT Hygiene

Some basic IT knowledge is essential for every employee. For instance, if an employee is frequently using projectors, she should probably know how to turn those projectors on and off. And if an AV tool is essential for her specific job, she should have an even better understanding of how it works. Additionally, all employees should understand that tech isn’t infallible; keeping written copies of crucial documents can be useful, and backups are a must. In short, IT knowledge needs differ from position to position, but each employee should know how to operate the tech they use on a daily basis. Furthermore, they should understand what steps to take when that tech is giving them issues.  

Asking for Help

It might sound strange, but it’s important that employees know how to ask for IT help. Not every employee will have your help desk’s contact info. And those who do have it might want to solve the issues on their own first. While trying to fix your own problem is commendable, it becomes a problem when hours are wasted on a solution. Sometimes, it’s easier to call in the experts—after all, that’s what they’re there for.

Reporting an Issue/Breach

If an employee’s scared to ask for help, they’re going to be terrified to report a breach. Especially when it’s their fault. However, not reporting a breach is an even bigger problem—if your company knows it’s under attack, it can take measures to mitigate the damage. But if your company isn’t informed, an attacker is free to continue attacking. Having a standard process for reporting breaches is useful, but employees must understand that procedure for it to have any effect. Of course, the only thing better than knowing how to react to a breach is how to prevent one. For that reason, understanding cybersecurity is also a must.

Information Technology Security

Knowing how to spot a threat is just as important as knowing how to report one. Really, this topic falls under “Basic IT Hygiene” in the sense that it’s essential. All employees should have a basic understanding of phishing, ransomware, and good password policies. Additionally, they should undergo frequent testing to ensure their training is paying off. Without training and testing, employees are at higher risk for social engineering attacks. And all it takes is one successful attack to land your company in hot water.  

Teaching Others About Information Technology

The best way to prove you know something is by teaching it to someone else. If you can adequately explain cybersecurity, breach reporting, and how to use IT, that probably means you have a good understanding. Furthermore, teaching others serves a dual purpose of updating other employees on new procedures and practices. In short, teaching others will help them learn while simultaneously revealing (and fixing) gaps in your own knowledge.   

Employees who hone their understanding of IT will be more willing–and able–to adopt new technology and security measures. For this reason, these five information technology training topics are integral to every company. If your business doesn’t have policies to help educate employees, it’s crucial that you develop them. Employee knowledge is just one component of IT Maturity, but without it, your company can’t truly mature. Even with the best technology, a stagnant company is doomed to devolve and close its doors—it will only have its own ignorance to blame.