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1Path SVP Speaks to the Power of Pervasive Video

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Recently, 1Path’s SVP Tommy Mullins was published on smallbizdaily for his article about pervasive video. The article covered the importance of using video in the office and the need for such use to be normalized. Through normalization, we can improve productivity and create an overall better business culture.

But why is video becoming so important to the workplace? And what benefit can it offer your company?

How can Video Help my Business?

Video has taken some time to find its footing in business. But now that it’s here, it’s here to stay. Video allows you to see the person you’re talking to, thereby allowing you to understand more about who they are. It also allows you and your conversation partner to remain more focused on your discussion. Better focus means a better meeting, which in turn leads to better results. Furthermore, it cuts back on time, money, and environmental impact by letting you meet anytime, anywhere. 

What Issues Get in the Way of Communications?

Tech issues are a common issue for video communications. For instance, audio and visual impediments can interrupt discussion. And if a building’s infrastructure can’t integrate certain AV components, it’s almost like not having them. This is just one reason why having an audiovisual expert is important for every business–AV problems are common, but so are solutions. And an AV expert can help you find yours, thus paving the way for enjoyable, easily usable AV

What Else Can It be Used for?

From marketing to presentations and conferences, video is integral to the workplace. And as you focus on your IT goals for 2020, it’s important to include it in your plans. A company needs to practice what it preaches. So, if you’re truly a tech-savvy, forward-thinking company, video should be part of your work operations. In short, if you’re offering the most advanced solutions to your clients, your company should have the most advanced solutions itself.

These are just a few of the topics covered in Mullin’s piece. Take a look at what else he has to say about pervasive video, and check out our offerings to learn more about finding your perfect AV solution.




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